
Grantham Seventh-day Adventist church tries to fulfil its mission and actively engage with the surrounding community.

Here are a few areas of activity within the church.  If you'd like to find out more then please come along one Sabbath and speak to one of our leaders.

Community Services Friendship Group

Following on from Covid restrictions with prolonged periods of isolation for many our fortnightly Tuesday meet up at Belton Garden Centre Cafe has become very important.The group makes plans for how to help others in the wider community, encourages and supports one another and generally enjoys each other's company in a warm, inviting environment.

One member said, "It means such a great deal to meet up with friends especially if you're lonely like me," and another commented, "It is a pleasure to belong to this group-so pleasant and always willing - looking out for those in need. We did not benefit from this where we lived before - it wasn't workable - we are blessed indeed."

To learn more about this group's activities, see feature article with photos.

Sunday Passage

What is fondly referred to as 'The Passage' is a service providing a hot meal each day to those who otherwise might go without.  The Passage, (Grantham Poverty Concern) got its name from the passageway which runs down the side of Finkin Street Methodist Church (now Christchurch) to the Shepherd Room where the first meals were provided many years ago.

Our church provides a cooked Sunday breakfast to approximately 25 people each week.  The Sunday Passage also provides starter packs for homeless people who have been given a flat or temporary accommodation.  This was the idea of one of our church members, the late Rosalyn Gill who, along with her husband, created the 'kitchen in a bowl' idea.

English Class

The English Class takes place every Friday evening 6pm to 7.30pm.  Originally started to help Ukrainian refugees to improve their English, it is open to all nationalities.  A lot of the learning is done through story, themed learning activities and little stories within the context of God's Big Story (optional).

Bikers' Run Support

Twice a year the Nottingham Triumph Owners M.C.C. organise a bike run to Grantham Meres Leisure Centre to present gifts to the town of Grantham which are received by the serving Mayor.  At Easter they bring Easter eggs and at Christmas they bring toys.  In 2023 it was the 33rd Toy Run and over 930 toys were delivered.

Our role is to pack up the toys and bring them back to our church to sort into categories ready for organisations who work with children and families to collect.

See feature article and photos.

Supporting Charities

As a church we support a number of charities, local and national:

  • Collect plastic bottle tops for Dove Cottage Day Hospice, Stathern
  • Donate food, toiletries and fundraise for Grantham Foodbank
  • The Community Service Friendship Group fund the training of puppies to be assistant dogs for Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
  • Used stamps are collected for Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
  • New in 2023 - support of the Baby's Basket charity run by the Bridge Church, Lincoln by supplying them with 11 Moses baskets filled with baby items, knitted items and toiletries for Mums
  • Regular donations and fundraising for ADRA (UK) and contributions to ADRA (Ukraine)
  • Some members volunteer for charities and support groups within Grantham