
Sabbath School
A weekly service where the main emphasis is a Bible study discussion.  One or two hymns and a mission story are usually included in the service.  An offering is collected for mission work around the world.

At the same time, children meet in age appropriate classes for Bible stories, songs and activities including puzzles, colouring and crafts in the school hall.

Family Service
This weekly service follows a formal format of hymns, prayer, children's story, Bible reading and sermon.  The sermon is preached by a different person each week, including ordained Pastors and lay preachers. During this service an offering is taken for church expenses and return of the Lord's tithe.

The Lord's Supper (Communion) 
Once a quarter we celebrate the Ordinance of Humility (washing each other's feet) and the Lord's Supper consisting of home-baked unleavened crackers and red grape juice.  We practice open Communion which means all adults who believe Christ's death was a saving act of grace for humanity are invited to take part.

Afternoon Service
An informal monthly worship service, usually following a topic.  The music in this service is varied and often includes newer compositions accompanied by music videos. Talks or readings are short (5-10 minutes) and you may be invited to discuss something in pairs or small groups.  Sometimes people will share a personal experience (testimony) connected to the topic. The service is followed with light refreshments and an opportunity to chat.

Prayer Meeting
The weekly prayer meeting is a joint service with our sister churches in Newark, Lincoln and Skegness.  This takes place via Zoom  on a Wednesday evening - please contact us for joining details.