Harvest Festival 2023

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: ... a time to plant and a time to uproot..."  Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2 NIV

A team of church members worked together, using their creative gifts, to display donations of flowers, fruit, vegetables and cereals for this year's Harvest Festival. The photo shows just part of the display as more items arrived and yet more on the day. An opportunity to thank God for his bountiful provision as another harvest is safely gathered in, with harvest hymns sung to His glory.

Our harvest gifts made a difference in our community.  Cans and packets were gladly accepted by the foodbank.  Vegetables were used by TES, a charity that supports youngsters with learning difficulties, who cooked a meal with the produce for the elderly who meet for lunch at the centre in Welby Street.  The baked beans have gone in the Sunday Breakfast cupboard.  Small trays of soup and squash were delivered by Steve and Liz to some of our "oldies".  A basket of fruit was shared between the students of the English Class which meets at church on Friday evenings.